Global Relevance Committee

Overview of the Global Relevance Committee

  1. The purpose of the Global Relevance Committee is to establish and maintain strong working relationships between TALS and peer organizations across the world, provide global presence as a field of study, and combine efforts to promote and advocate for the shared values within the leisure industry and beyond.

  2. The Global Relevance Committee consists of a BoD representative and four-five members that represent TALS and other leisure organizations across the world. Members of the committee are appointed by the president and the Committee Chair is elected by the Committee members.

  3. The Global Relevance Committee will complete following tasks:

  • Develop, maintain, and annually evaluate MOUs with peer organizations.

  • Actively seek and act on opportunities to connect national-level leisure organizations for mutual benefit.

  • Identify and fulfill strategic opportunities to assert and maintain presence at international conferences, meetings and media with leisure-related matters.

Current Members of the committee:

Iryna Sharaievska (Chair)

Cristina Ortega Nuere (World Leisure Organization)

Erwei Dong (CILRA)

Heather Gibson

Ingrid Schneider 

KoFan Lee

Mona Sadat Mirehie

Shintaro Kono (CALS)